A patient is scheduled for an appointment: The appointment priority level (STAT, ASAP, Routine, etc.) is used to either immediately issue a network broadcast query or wait until a set period of time before the scheduled appointment date.
Schedule message generated: Information is gathered from an HL7 order/scheduling message or through FHIR/API access.
Network query: Medicom service automatically broadcasts a federated query to Medicom Network providers.
Processed query: All Trusted Contacts who have authorized Smart Search will receive the query.
Matched record: For patient safety, Smart Search will only return data if a single, distinct match is returned from an external system for the patient. If no matches or multiple matches are returned, an alert is generated in the worklist and sent to designated users via email.
Data update: Data received through Smart Search will have a message inserted as the first element in the returned series informing staff that the data was automatically retrieved.